Chapter 12, shloka 15-20 The way the ocean remains unaffected if the number of sea creatures increases or decreases nor is it annoyed by their activities…also the sea creatures remain unaffected by the roar of the ocean. In the same way, the one who is unaffected by other people’s behavior; has overcome the ideas of mine and others, has overcome the ideas of pleasure and sorrow, remains devoted to me and so is always the one who is most dear to me. He who has overcome his lust and greed, is a being so full of purity and his company is so auspicious like the rays of the sun –the mere presence is sufficient to remove all the darkness (that lies within). Such a being is fearless and is contained with ‘samadhaan’(the most peaceful state). The one who has assumed his position as a universal being is uninterested in anything other than the joy of the spirit. Does not rejoice nor despair the worldly gains or losses. The one who is equipoised in pleasure and sorrow and considers everyone e...
Revisiting Bhagwat Geeta by studying its shlokas --14 per week so as to finish all the chapters in one year's time. taking it slowly in order to get us some time to ponder, absorb, and meditate on what Shri Krishna has said. The blog will be operated by two different authors and will contain notes from one author and chants from another. both will operate independently without interfering with one another's understanding of the subject.