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Showing posts from July, 2022

Kshetragya (the knower of the ‘field’)--various arguements

 Chapter 13, shloka 1-4   Kshetragya (the knower of the ‘field’) This body is the ‘kshetra’ (the field/site), and the one who knows the body is the one to be called ‘Kshetragnya’. The Kshetragnya and the one who nourishes all the kshetras is but me only, and to know the kshetra and the kshetragnya is the true knowledge. Tells Krishna; there have been a lot of discussions in scriptures and various arguments among sages about who this kshetra belongs to but there is no unanimity on the same. Gyaneshwara comments on various arguments and discussions about the kshetra; Those who are believers in the theory of karma say that the entire kshetra is under the control of ‘jivatma’(the embodied soul) and is managed by the prana(the life force). The four types of airs- apaana, vyaana, udaana and samaana put a lot of effort into sustaining prana while the mind enquires and supervises them. The five sense organs and five action organs are like tools in the hands of the jivatma,...