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Showing posts from April, 2021


//Insights of the seeker (author)// At a very young age, I came across a perspective which I think is relevant to share here at this point of time for a better understanding of the subject and also for many other aspects of life. In our tender years of primary education, we were taught that the rays of the sun travel in straight lines—we all even drew sunrays like straight lines. In higher standards we were taught that the sun rays are not straight lines but waves—the rays travel in the form of waves—also, in more higher education, we were even told that the energy from the sun comes to us as packets of energy. Now for the same sun rays, we see here three different theories. This explains a lot about how we perceive/interpret the truth, depending on our own level of understanding. While none of the theories about the sun rays is wrong, at the same time it tells us that as we go deeper into the subject the theory can very well contradict itself and may even confuse if one doesn’t ha...

I am 'that'

Shloka (14-21- remaining shlokas of week 16) Sharing my notes here for the next shlokas, I would first like to remind myself of the prayer with which the journey began (as I am now more humble and mindful of the auspiciousness of the cosmic song I am trying to interpret); करचरण कृतं वाक्कायजं कर्मजं वा । श्रवणनयनजं वा मानसं वापराधं । विहितमविहितं वा सर्वमेतत्क्षमस्व । जय जय करुणाब्धे श्रीमहादेव शम्भो ॥ Meaning: "O God, kindly pardon my incorrect actions done consciously or unconsciously, either through my organs of action (hand, feet, and speech) or through my organs of perception (eyes, ears) or by my mind. I adore the God, who is the ocean of kindness". Just like God ( Ishwara ) who is apparently not the doer ( akarta ) but as He adorns maya , He is the one who has created expanse of the three worlds. Even if we call Him the creator, He remains indifferent to His creation as He is completely detached and remains in the undisturbed state of  ‘ yoganidra ’ (the deep cosmic sl...

'I am not the doer'

  Week 16, Shlokas (8-21), Chapter 5 Shri Krishna keeps on describing the persona of a true yogi- the one who has attained the pure knowledge (enlightened knowledge/ the knowledge of the spirit). The pure knowledge that ‘I am not the doer’ –the one who contains it, is the one who is completely detached from his senses and anything worldly or related to this body. he manifests the formless, is aware and conscious of his surroundings, have his senses performing all their duties but he is unaffected by the feel of the physical body. till the time he was under the influence of maya , he was in a way asleep, and was enjoying the dreamworld…however, as he is awakened by the knowledge of his spirit, he is no more influenced by the effect of  karmas as he has attained- ‘I am not the doer’ state. Just like a lotus is detached by the water surrounding it, in the same way, such a being stands like a lotus in the waters of the material world.  As a small child, whatever he doe...

Week 13, Chapter 4 (Shlokas 1-14) Chants

    Welcome to Chapter 4, We cover the initial 14 shlokas where Krishna talks about traditional knowledge and my understanding is to experience and experiment these knowledge and  bring about changes required as per Society needs. Our Cravings, aversion and fear are  things which is hindrance to selfless work. Krishna talks about how we can manifest something  in the world and what are principles to acheive something you desire or dream. I teid to cover the meanings in between the videos hope you enjoy. Please dont forget to share your views in the comments . Have a great week ahead. Take care and be safe.

The pure knowledge (Gnyana yoga)

  Week 15, Shloka (36-42) chapter 4 and shlokas (1-7) chapter 5 In the remaining shlokas of chapter four (shlokas 36-42) Krishna insists on the importance of the desire of a being to attain the 'pure knowledge'—that is the knowledge of the spirit. He also tells that if a being does not have this desire to attain gnyana (pure knowledge), he is already walking on the earth like a dead being. In other words, such a life is a waste when it is spent in indulgences and ignorance since it is not aligned with the natural principle of evolution (that which leads to the supreme union). This knowledge—the knowledge of the spirit is the provider of peace. When this knowledge is settled in a being, he attains the expanse of his spirit and experiences peace wherever he drops his sight. Such a being attains the principle of singularity and so, doesn’t differentiate between himself and others. To attain such a state first, one should be desirous of gaining this knowledge. For the one w...

Various kind of divine yajnas

 (Krishna creates a metaphoric picture of various kind of yajnas) Krishna talks about various yajnas/ Hawanas (a ritual where various kinds of offerings are made to the fire) that lead towards the supreme union—the yoga. ‘ Dravya-yajna (by offering various kinds of sacred liquids), ‘ tapo-yajna (by observing various hardships), ‘yoga-yajna (by mastering various yoga-asanas), then there’s ‘ vag-yajna (when words are offered to words), and when through the offering of knowledge union with the supreme spirit is attained. All these yajnas are extremely difficult to perform and observe but not for the ones who have won over their senses and have offered their souls to the supreme spirit. They are the only ones eligible to perform such yajnas. Krishna also talks about various kinds of pranayams and that is also a kind of yajna. Some perform Hathyoga by practicing hardships to win over their senses. and so like this these people who practice these yajnas get rid of their desires, ...

Week 12 , Chapter 3(Shlokas 29-43) Chants

I am very happy to announce the completion of Chapter 3 in this week. We have talked about what is lust  and what we can do avoid being in trap of lust . I see anything outside our Goal statement is lust. What do you think? Write your thoughts in comments section. 

An enlightened being

  Week 14, shlokas (13-20 from previous week) 21- 35 And just like the four varnas come from me and are characterized/divided according to their nature and gunas (qualities)-- b ut even though I am the source of these varnas, they are not created by me.   And those who know this are the ones who are beyond the Karmas ( karmateet ). [Now Krishna explains what is the meaning of Karmas, Akarmas , and what are the characteristics of people who have mastered the knowledge of karmas, akarmas (action and non-action)]— The one who performs his actions without expecting a return, at the same time knows that he is not the doer—just like one who sees his reflection in still waters and knows this is not him but his reflection—he remains in detachment knowing the difference between reality and illusions. He looks like a human but is an embodiment of Brahm (the supreme spirit) himself. Just like the reflection of the sun in water is not the sun himself—such a being is an embodiment o...


                                                            The word Pasaydan is composed of two words- Pasa and Dan. which means a prayer gesture when the hands are joined together to receive an auspicious gift.                                                         Now, 'O' God, The entire Cosmos Divine |  Be pleased with this pious word offering of mine || Grant me in goodwill benign |  Your Benevolent Grace Divine ||1|| May the evil-minded, their wickedness shed |  May their intellect turn to pious and good deeds instead  || May all living beings find themselves bonded |  By friendly ties of soul companionship||2|| May the darkness of ignorant disappear |  May the ...

A Divine Revelation

    Week 13, chapter 4 shlokas 7- 20   Reveals Krishna- His divinity and the purpose of his incarnation. That, whenever the dharma is destroyed and immorality or unrighteousness prevails-- I incarnate (take form/manifest) to protect the dharma (righteousness). I incarnate to protect those who worship me and are righteous. I incarnate to swallow the darkness of ignorance, to destroy those who harm the righteous. I incarnate era to era to establish the dharma and to celebrate everything and everyone who are righteous. Those who know this are the ones who are enlightened. These are the ones who don’t dwell on past or future—are free of lust or attachments/ indulgences—who remain grateful for my incarnation and are contented by the sip of pure knowledge. They are the ones who are like walking forests of wish-granting trees—such enlightened souls are auspicious, and they are naturally bound to attain their oneness with me. (shloka 9-10) I love all those who worshi...

Week 11 , Chapter 3(Shlokas 15-28) Chants

  Friends, welcome back to week 11 and here we cover the shlokas more on Karma yoga. It tells us what actions need to be done , what are our duties and also touches upon one of the Leadership principles.  I would recommend you all to hear the video for the Chants and also the brief explanation on the shlokas. I will be happy to know your feedbacks and comments as always..

The embodiment of singularity

  Week 12, chapter 4- shlokas 1-5 Gyaneshwara, as he narrates what is about to happen next in Geeta, is overwhelmed and certainly in awe of Arjuna. As what Shri Krishna is going to tell him-- that can make greatest of sages, deities, ascetics, and even Shri Lakshmi (goddess companion of Shri Vishnu/Krishna) jealous of Arjuna. Gyaneshwara wonders at the fate of Arjuna, that amongst greatest of beings Krishna chose a friend-- a bond of trust and love. A love so deep that cannot be defined as Krishna is pleased and is revealing the sacred knowledge to Arjuna—the one who is capable of receiving and containing the blessings of the Divine. So tells Krishna, that in ‘the beginning’ this knowledge (of karma-yoga and gnyana-yoga ) was given to the Sun ( Surya ). And Surya has given this knowledge to Manu- the ancient human, Manu eventually has passed on this knowledge to one of his sons- Ikshavaku. And since then, this tradition of passing the sacred knowledge is carried on but is give...

Yoga Bhrashta

  Week 12, chapter 3 shlokas 35-43 and chapter 4 shlokas 1-5 Arjuna asks something that is probably everyone’s query especially those walking on the path of their deeper calling. Why is it so, that people who already know about the path of destruction (led by indulging in sensory pleasures) still get involved in such acts despite having the discretion of right and wrong. These yogis , who dislike and refrain from indulgences, but it looks like something is forcing them to get into such pleasures…what is it? Answers Krishna— Just like a treasure hidden deep in the forest is guarded by poisonous snakes and beasts, the treasure of self-knowledge is guarded by anger and lust—these are the monsters who lead a righteous seeker towards committing a sin. These enemies of a seeker practice no mercy when it comes to the destruction of the sense of righteousness. They play with the mind of a seeker by creating illusions and are satisfied by avidya - the false knowledge. They originate...