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Showing posts from January, 2021

Week 4 , Chapter 1 (Slokas 39-47) Chants

 I am so happy to acheive my first milestone and cover all the slokas from chapter 1 . This has been a significant milestone and which gives me a booster that I can divide and conquer. Please hear the records and some insights on the slokas covered in this week and as always do provide your feedbacks.,

Week 3 , Chapter 1 (Sloaks 29-38) Chants

I am back and at times when you are on long journey you missed on some planned milestones but then you try to catch up on so the final milestone are not changed. Do hear my narrations for slokas and some insights on my application of these in real life and do not forget to provide your comments and feedback.

Reflections on Chapter 1

  As I read through pages of chapter 1 of Shrimad Bhagwat Geeta (Gyaneshwari), the shlokas describe the two armies of Kauravas and of Pandavas and also majorly about the resentment of Arjuna. (For those who don’t know the story of Mahabharata, the two armies belong to the same clan, led by The Kauravas and The Pandavas who are cousins and becomes potential rivals in their growing up years because of jealousies and also because of various people conspiring to destroy the clan by making these princes stand against one another by poisoning their minds and so on). Army of Pandavas is described as full of glorified warriors -friends and alleys of Pandavas and also Shri Krishna being a part of the army—who agrees to be the charioteer of Arjuna (Krishna and Arjuna being kind of best friends) in order to be symbolically there with the Pandavas as he(Krishna) shall not be able to fight because of the promise he gave to Duryodhan (the eldest brother of the Kauravas) to not to touch any wea...

Week 2 , Chapter 1(Slokas 15 -28) Chants

Welcome to week 2 Chantings  , while we are in week 4 of our Journey I have been catching up to deliver  on weekly recitations but that is how it is when you work as team there are feedbacks that  helps to improve the quality of your work and it come at a cost in this case time. In a world driven by technology where collaboration happen virtually the innovation is limited or I would say we still  need to figure out how we collaborate ideas virtually as we prepare for the future and still bring in the innovation with team work. I guess the initial hurdles are more or less over and you would all expect intime delivery of weekly Chants. Happy Chanting and do provide your feedback .With Love & Care 

Getting Started

  Getting started on reading/studying, Shrimad Bhagwad Geeta led me to a list of Geetas translated in Hindi/English by different authors. This was very surprising for me as I wonder…the book that carries the message of Shri Krishna—and that attracts thousands of seekers, is translated again and again and again…only to confuse seekers like me…who will spend a few days wondering and figuring out which one to follow? Another thing is, all the translations are titled—"Shrimad Bhagwat Geeta- As it is”—whereas they all differ somewhere in translations obviously because of interpretations by different authors. I even ordered one copy of Shreemad Bhagwad Geeta by a certain author and I also decided to get one “Gyaneshwari”--   the very first translation of the holy book by a much-celebrated saint of the 13 th century- Shri Gyaneshwara. Since I was exposed to his life story in my childhood and I have always been very fond of this yogi child …who translated Shrimad Bhagwad Geeta at t...

Week 1, Chapter 1 (Shlokas 1-14) Chants

Scientifically,  it has been proved Sanskrit chants have numerous benefits and affects both the right and left brain hemispheres. In my humble attempt to memorize the slokas from Bhagwat Geeta, I do have few learnings that I have shared in my video. I would be debted to know your feedbacks. Happy Chantings!

The Objective

Taking up a new journey to study Geeta. Also, to share my insights and love for the Sanskrit language and its shlokas (verses). Not that I am an expert on the subject, but I am one of those who have time and again felt the beauty of the language…and I wonder if this sharing would entice some young seekers to revisit the roots of this Bharat- Bhoomi…the land of yoga. The land has certainly given birth to this language which was much adored by the sages and the ancients. And as one of the travelers on the path of yoga, I would start with this small Sanskrit verse कर-चरणकृतं वाक्कायजं कर्मजं वा श्रवणनयनजं वा मानसं वापराधम , विहितमविहितं वा सर्वमेतत्क्षमस्व , जय-जय करुणाब्धे ,  श्री महादेव शम्भो॥ ' O, Lord Shiva! Please forgive my wrong actions committed by me knowingly or unknowingly through my hands, feet, speech, body or through any organ of action; or through the ears, eyes (any organ of perception) or through the mind. May you forgive all sinful actions committed ...