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Showing posts from March, 2021

Week 10, Chapter 3 (Slokas 1-14) Chants

So we are in chapter 3 and we will talk about the actions ,  why actions are important and what type of actions we should do. In the world we should have right balance , often it is seen people who do meditation doesn't work and who work doesn't do meditation. Hope you guys are liking my Chants and brief meanings  after every 4th slokas. Happy chanting and take care till next week.

"Follow the path shown by me even if the whole world disregards it"

  Week 11, chapter 3 shlokas 22-35 Those who are equipped with the knowledge and are capable should not refrain from following the path of dharma (and protect the dharma if required), even if they are already blessed with the joy of the spirit and are not slaves of their senses. for the commoners always watch them and follow the path laid by them. That is why it becomes more important that the path of karmas should not be given up by those who are capable and influential. Karmacharan (performing the righteous duties) purifies the attention, and this purity of attention helps in attaining yoga. Krishna says that-- “perform the karmas as an offering given to me…but at the same time keep the attention on the spirit”. And this is how, O Arjuna you perform your duty as a warrior by accepting this war for in this war lies your glory and the protection of dharma. Krishna mentions that those who are proud of their bodies, remain indulgent in the pleasure of their senses, and ignore ...

Swa- the 'self'

  As Krishna talks about ‘ swa-dharma ’, I would say first, one should make efforts in understanding the ’ swa ’ and then dharma could be figured out. Swa is self—the way we perceive it. In a lifetime, a person carries various roles and identities that label the ‘self’ for example, One may be a son, brother, husband, a professional, a traveler, and many other things. And as one shall perform his righteous duties, the swa-dharma …the duties or actions will depend on what role a person is assuming…and in that also if one shall do it without expecting/thinking of the outcome then he is performing it with complete detachment (just what Krishna says)—by being in the present moment and not thinking about the future. Like, When one is walking on a path….they are padachari (the walker). When one is talking…they are vakta (the speaker) When one is listening…they are shrota (the listener) When one is dealing with relations, they are father/mother/son/daughter, etc. Doing t...

Swa-dharma - the real yagna

Week 10, chapter 3 shlokas 8-21 Krishna insists on following swa-dharma . That swa-dharma is like you are performing a yagna (a ritual where lots of offerings are made to the fire pit and all of that goes to God). And this yagna is such that if you distract from performing it by doing whatever you like (giving oneself to the temptations)- ignoring that which is righteous, one gets tangled into the cycle of birth and death and experiences all kinds of miseries. Krishna also tells an ancient story (shloka10) about when the creation (by Shri Brahmadeva) came into existence, it was too deep for humans to understand—but then Shri Brahmadeva told everyone only to follow swa-dharma (the righteous duties assigned to people through their varnas ) and through this, they would attain their moksha. And for that- they will not need to do any kind of fastings, go for pilgrimage, or perform any kind of rituals to please deities. In a way, performing swa-dharma is the real yagna that will le...

Week 9, Chapter 2 (Slokas 57-72) Chants

Friends,  times flies quickly I have completed the chapter 2 today.  Gita learning is rewiring my brain and helping me re-frame my behavior.  The strategy applied by Krishna to help Arjuna  under different situations is as fresh and relevant in todays daily situations we face in personal and professional life. Second chapter is all about knowing the nature of one's mind so you can generate positive thoughts and feelings and also behavior which will help you make yourself a human of values. Hope you like my video and as always comments and share your thoughts to improve on delivery of my videos. 

'An impractical solution'

  Week 9, chapter 2/3 shlokas 66- 7 Speaking more about the s thita-pragnya state, Krishna tells that- like the whole world ignores the thought of attaining yoga and keeps indulging in sensory pleasures that result in all kinds of miseries. While the one (who might be) ignorant of practical/ worldly dealings of the world but is aware of the a tma-tattwa , is extremely peaceful, beyond all kinds of pleasures and pains…is contented as his spirit is the source of his contentment—is free from the influence of ego…and is a real yogi. Arjuna is confused and asks Krishna to give him a practical solution to his woes and to not confuse him with strange and ‘impractical’ solutions. On which Krishna again tells him that this is the most practical solution if Arjuna can understand with a little deeper thinking. Just like to cross a flooded river, one needs to take the help of a boat, and this understanding of how to perform karmas with the right attitude is only going to help him. Just ...

Week 8 ,Chapter 2(Slokas 43-56) Chants

So I am back again with delay :-) . Sometimes in yearly goals you need the constant push even if  you are really self motivated.  This is one of my favorite set of shlokas as it takes about the person characteristics who is really stable in every situation. Do hear and please do provide your comments and suggestions. Thank you  and Love you all.

' Sthita-pragnya'

I would take a moment to remind me (and humble down) of my limited knowledge and resources. Even the fact that ‘Gyaneshwari’- written originally in Marathi language by Shri Gayneshwara whereas I am referring to its Hindi translation. Since the dialogue that we are following takes us to the understanding of what lies beyond the matter—It is only through this understanding “… न हन्यते हन्यमाने शरीरे …” (shloka 20, chapter 2) that I would like to pray to Shri Gyaneshwara to lead us in our understanding of the subject by destroying the false knowledge and to guide us towards the wisdom/essence of the cosmic song. Shri Krishna answers Arjuna's ask about how to recognize someone who is ' sthita-pragnya'-- ‘ Sthita-pragnya’  (a term that every seeker needs to know) is the state  of supreme contentment. When the lust is drained out, the heart is contented, and the attention is embraced in the state of joy of the spirit- the ‘ sat-chit-ananda’ —when one is unaffected by pleasures ...

The secret to attain the 'Buddhi- Yoga'

  Week 8, chapter 2- shlokas 52-65   Shloka 52 again makes me meditate more on the content. Just like a particular line of a song captures the attention and moves your soul… “When you will give up attachment ( moha ) with your loved ones and this detachment seeps in your being…that is the moment when you attain the buddhi- yoga ”. And as you attain the buddhi-yoga , this pure and deep self-knowledge will start flowing in your conscious and will make your heart free from all kinds of desires/ lusts ( vasna )…. in such a state, the desire to attain more knowledge or to reflect on previously acquired knowledge will no more be there. He continues to tell that the buddhi, which is corrupted by the sensory desires will attain calm and will enjoy the bliss of the union (yoga). यदा ते मोहकलिलं बुद्धिर्व्यतितरिष्यति | तदा गन्तासि निर्वेदं श्रोतव्यस्य श्रुतस्य च || 52 || yadā te moha-kalila ṁ buddhir vyatitari ṣ hyati tad ā gant ā si nirveda ṁ ś hrotavyasya ś hrutasya cha ...

The 'sadbuddhi' (some more reflections on Buddhi- yoga)

    As Krishna continues talking about the buddhi- yoga , that is, when the heart is calm in both success and failures, pleasures and pains. Also, when the mana and buddhi are coordinated (are on the same page). One may say that buddhi- yoga is superior to  karma- yoga but on the contrary, buddhi- yoga cannot be attained till one perform karmas with detachment. The supreme state of karma ( uttaravastha ) is a natural state of yoga. By not desiring the outcome of the karmas, one gets liberated from the cycle of birth and death. And eventually, they also get liberated from the buddhi- yoga and attains their salvation- the state of brahmananda (shloka-51). I feel when Krishna talks about sadbuddhi , he talks about the pure desire of a seeker that consistently lights his path towards accepting that (deeds) which will lead him towards his enlightenment, and at the same time gives him wisdom to not accept those deeds that are prohibited or that are futile in ord...