Week 11,
chapter 3 shlokas 22-35
Those who
are equipped with the knowledge and are capable should not refrain from following
the path of dharma (and protect the dharma if required), even if they are already blessed with the joy of the spirit
and are not slaves of their senses. for the commoners always watch them and
follow the path laid by them. That is why it becomes more important that the path
of karmas should not be given up by those who are capable and influential.
Karmacharan (performing the righteous duties) purifies
the attention, and this purity of attention helps in attaining yoga. Krishna
says that-- “perform the karmas as an offering given to me…but at the same time
keep the attention on the spirit”. And this is how, O Arjuna you perform
your duty as a warrior by accepting this war for in this war lies your glory
and the protection of dharma.
mentions that those who are proud of their bodies, remain indulgent in the pleasure
of their senses, and ignore the path shown by Him…will be driven towards miseries
and their ignorance is like a poisonous snake that will bite them and destroy
them. Like this, Krishna elaborates what ignorance and indulgence can do to an
individual, and as a seeker, one should refrain from going towards such a path
even if it seems to give pleasures and makes one happy. He, again and again, insists
on following the righteous path no matter how difficult it seems. One might
even have to give up their life following the path of righteousness…even such
death is glorified in both the worlds. Krishna even suggests that one may stay
away from people who are indulgent and encourage the seeker to go towards adarma. And in this way, divine warns and suggests the seeker to follow the path shown by Him even if the whole world disregards it.
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