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Showing posts from August, 2021

Shreenandkumarashtakam (श्रीनन्दकुमाराष्टकम्)- Praise to Shri Krishna

For the beauty, the language Sanskrit offers in its various chants and hymns, one more pick from the ancient poetry the culture of the land offers. सुन्दरगोपालं उरवनमालं नयनविशालं दुःखहरं वृन्दावनचन्द्रमानन्दकन्दं परमानन्दं धरणिधरम् । वल्लभघनश्यामं पूर्णकामं अत्यभिरामं प्रीतिकरं भज नन्दकुमारं सर्वसुखसारं तत्त्वविचारं ब्रह्मपरम् ॥ १॥ सुन्दरवारिजवदनं निर्जितमदनं आनन्दसदनं मुकुटधरं गुञ्जाकृतिहारं विपिनविहारं परमोदारं चीरहरम् । वल्लभपटपीतं कृतउपवीतं करनवनीतं विबुधवरं भज नन्दकुमारं सर्वसुखसारं तत्त्वविचारं ब्रह्मपरम् ॥ २॥ शोभितमुखधुलं यमुनाकूलं निपटअतूलं सुखदतरं मुखमण्डितरेणुं चारितधेनुं वादितवेणुं मधुरसुरम् । वल्लभमतिविमलं शुभपदकमलं नखरुचि अमलं तिमिरहरं भज नन्दकुमारं सर्वसुखसारं तत्त्वविचारं ब्रह्मपरम् ॥ ३॥ शिरमुकुटसुदेशं कुञ्चितकेशं नटवरवेशं कामवरं मायाकृतमनुजं हलधरअनुजं प्रतिहतदनुजं भारहरम् । वल्लभव्रजपालं सुभगसुचालं हितमनुकालं भाववरं भज नन्दकुमारं सर्वसुखसारं तत्त्वविचारं ब्रह्मपरम् ॥ ४॥ इन्दीवरभासं प्रकटसुरासं कुसुमविकासं वंशिधरं हृत्मन्मथमानं रूपनिधानं कृतकलगानं चित्तहरम् ...

Ananya Bhakti (the singularity)

Week 32, Chapter 11, Shloka 32-55 Tremendous form of Krishna, as seen by Arjuna shows everything and every one of the mortal world rushing towards the fire-filled mouth of Shri Krishna- like the moths rushing towards the fire are consumed by the fire, the same way Arjuna can see the warriors of the mortal world and the army of the battlefield rushing towards the tremendous fire of destruction in the mouth of Krishna. Having been witnessed this universal form, trembling with fear, Arjuna requests Krishna to return back to his gentle human form. Says Krishna— The universal form that you saw cannot be attained by studying Vedas or scriptures…nor by charity, penance, sacrifices can the universal form be attained. भक्त्या त्वनन्यया शक्य अहमेवंविधोऽर्जुन | ज्ञातुं द्रष्टुं च तत्त्वेन प्रवेष्टुं च परन्तप || 54 || bhaktyā tv ananyayā śhakya aham eva ṁ -vidho ’ rjuna j ñā tu ṁ dra ṣ h ṭ u ṁ cha tattvena prave ṣ h ṭ u ṁ cha parantapa The only way to attain my universal form is...

Glorious vision to behold

Week 31, Chapter 11 shloka 15-31 Having been witnessed a tremendous universal form of Shri Krishna, Arjuna trembling in awe and wonder thus describes gloriously all that he could see and behold. In the next shlokas (15-31) Arjuna sings the glory of the universal Form of Krishna – all that he saw and all that he beholds. Again, in the beautiful words of Juan Mascaro; I see in thee all the gods, and the infinity of the beings of thy creation. I see god Brahma on his throne of lotus, and all the seers and serpents of light. All-around I behold thy Infinity: the power of thy innumerable arms, the visions from thy innumerable eyes, the words from thy innumerable mouths, and the fire of life of thy innumerable bodies. Nowhere I see a beginning or middle or end of thee, O God of all, form infinite! I see the splendour of an infinite beauty that illumines the whole universe. It is thee! With thy crown and sceptre and circle. How difficult thou art to see! But I see thee: as fire, as th...

Week 29, Bhagwat Gita Chapter 10(Shlokas 29-42) Chants

  Friends , we will be completing the  chapter 10 (VibhutiYog) this week  and here are my three learnings from the shlokas covered today. Three Critical Learnings 1. There are 64 sciences and amongst sciences I am the science of spirituality 2. Amongst feminine qualities I am fame, prosperity, fine speech, memory, intelligence, courage, and forgiveness. 3. What need is there for all this detailed knowledge, O Arjun? Simply know that by one fraction of my being, I pervade and support this entire creation. And as always please share your views in the comments . Have a happy week ahead.

Week 28, Bhagwat Gita Chapter 10(Shlokas 15-28) Chants

  Friends , we have covered the shlokas 15-28 of  chapter 10 (VibhutiYog) and here are my three learnings from the shlokas covered today. Three Critical Learnings 1. I am seated in the heart of all living entities. I am the beginning, middle, and end of all beings. 2. Amongst trees I am the peepul tree (sacred fig tree), 3. There are different level of existence like pitru , gandharvas , yaksha , devas , rishis(gurus) And as always please share your views in the comments . Have a happy week ahead.

Week 27, Bhagwat Gita Chapter 10(Shlokas 1-14) Chants

 Friends , we have started the chapter 10 today  (VibhutiYog) and here are my three learnings from the shlokas covered today. Three Critical Learnings 1. All qualities amongst humans, such as intellect, knowledge, clarity of thought, forgiveness, truthfulness, control over the senses and mind, joy and sorrow, birth and death, fear and courage, non-violence, equanimity, contentment, austerity, charity, fame, and infamy are due to me 2. With minds fixed on me and their lives surrendered to me, my devotees remain ever contented in me. 3. Those who know in truth my glories and divine powers become united with me through unwavering bhakti yog And as always please share your views in the comments . Have a happy week ahead.

Becoming Krishna

This generous moment, Krishna is like that tremendous cloud waiting to rain and Arjuna, the approaching rainy season—giving the perfect opportunity for the cloud to rain. --forms of the formless-- पश्य मे पार्थ रूपाणि शतशोऽथ सहस्रश: | नानाविधानि दिव्यानि नानावर्णाकृतीनि च || 5|| manyase yadi tach chhakya ṁ mayā dra ṣ h ṭ um iti prabho yogeśhvara tato me tva ṁ darśhayātmānam avyayam   Shows Krishna- various forms occupied by the creation, some subtle/micro, some vast and huge; some ordinary, some exclusive, some quiet, some noisy… Although the form is one, it has unlimited features, and contains innumerable personalities of multitude shapes and colors.   पश्यादित्यान्वसून् रुद्रानश्विनौ मरुतस्तथा | बहून्यदृष्टपूर्वाणि पश्याश्चर्याणि भारत || 6 || paśhyādityān vasūn rudrān aśhvinau marutas tathā bahūny ad ṛ i ṣ h ṭ a-p ū rv ā ṇ i pa ś hy āś hchary ā ṇ i bh ā rata Krishna explains the marvels existing in his universal form—too eager to show it all to Arjuna, ...

Prayag- a pilgrimage

Week 30, Chapter 11, Shloka 1-14  Thus, talking about his own vast expanse, Krishna again reminds us that even though he is the best among the best and greatest among the greatest, his persona is never-ending and so, the one who knows Krishna should not discriminate and differentiate between beings—taking someone higher and someone lower is ignorance just like one cannot find the shadow of the Sun. Keeping such practices are like polluting one’s own mind and intellect. Receiving the true knowledge of the spirit, Arjuna thus moves ahead on the path of becoming Krishna. In Gyaneshwara’s words, chapter 11 is a Prayag (the juncture of union between two sacred rivers), is a pilgrimage and offers a unique amalgamation of peace and awe. Arjuna being the first visitor followed by the rest who come to quench their thirst of self-knowledge; and since the sacred knowledge Gyaneshwara translates in a language of commoners, he is only grateful to be a divine instrument in performing this au...