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Showing posts from May, 2021

Week 19 , Bhagwat Gita Chapter 6 (Shlokas 15-28) Chants

Friend welcome back , in this week we have covered the  why and how of disciplined mind. As promised i am sharing my three critical Learnings . I have also changed the background of video with the art work which i did over the weekend . Hope you like the same and keep adding your comments. Have a great week ahead. Three Critical Learnings. 1. Mind should be discipline by withdrawing  from cravings and absorbing in self or uniting with self. One who has no controls over senses like eating , sleeping , mating , working etc.. will not be able to discipline his mind. 2. Happiness can be achieved by disciplined and calm mind. Controlled mind is not shaken in the midst of the greatest calamity. 3. Restrain the senses , renouncing all desire with conviction and intellect to make mind calm.

A pleasant halt and the remaining journey

Week 20, Chapter 6, Shloka- 33-47. Arjuna asks further— in your compassion O Krishna, you have told me the best practices and ways to attain yoga, however what about the ever-wandering mind that is incontrollable like the blowing winds? and what about a seeker who dies in between before he could attain his liberation while following the discipline of yogic practices told by you? Tells Krishna— the mind no doubt is a wanderer, but constant yogic practice along with detachment will train it to be stable. Also, the mind when tastes the sweetness of self- bliss (the joy of the spirit), will come back to the spirit again and again. And the yogic practices I am telling have the power to tame the attention and it is always better to try than not trying at all. About the seeker who is practicing the discipline of yoga and dies before attaining his liberation—due to his desire for liberation, his death is like a halt- when the soul is taking rest and is a pleasant event. He will certainly t...

Week 18, Bhagwat Gita Chapter 6 (Shlokas 1-14) Chants

 Friends , In this week we have started with Chapter 6 and I am planning to share my three key learnings. Hope you enjoy it and please keep posting your comments and views. 1. One should let go the fruit of action or any intention to be a yogi.  He should still be acting as lazy man cannot claim to be a yogi. 2. Your mind is your best friend and best enemy you should train your mind to have control over your thoughts and ideas. A uncontrolled mind is cause of all violence in society .When you win over your mind you take praise/ blame , happiness/misery equally. When you are at peace you see others shouting, yelling being their problem as they have lost their mind. 3. Yoga is to bring unity in space that is within you to space that is all around you.

Samadrishti (the vision of oneness)

  Week 19, Chapter 6, shloka 22-32 The attainment of yoga grants such a state to a yogi, that his attention remains liberated from the feel of agony/sorrow; remains liberated even when the body is destroyed by a weapon or is burnt in the fire. The attention remains engulfed in the divinity and the joy of the spirit such that it forgets the rest of the experiences related to physical body or material world. When a seeker is determined, his attention is stable and drives back to the spirit; and in case the attention is unstable and strays away- then let it be…for the power of determination will bring it back to the spirit again and again. When a seeker accepts the omnipresent nature of the supreme spirit, he in a way accepts the principle of singularity and by accepting this, he leads a life where he is eventually driven towards the attainment of the principle by assuming the same. And thus, he becomes one with Me and becomes omnipresent. Such a being sees his own reflection in t...

Week 17, Bhagwat Gita Chapter 5(Shlokas 15-29) Chants

 One more week and we have completed chapter 5 . One of my learning is if soemone is miserable he/she would not be in position to hear any logic and advice. The best advice for a miserable person is "Just Let Go". It is common in Spouses, Once you say I quit then only you give ear to other person else you are caught up in your thoughts. Miserable people thinks they know everything. They know what to do and what not to do? What is good and what is not good. Like fools they have no iota of doubt on what they have perceived.  The second learning is, great things just happened you really did not do it and same is with crime.  There is some part which is involved in activity and some part which is not indulged.  Third learning is , dont be feverish and dont think only on outcome.Like Hatred for some one  Cravings for happiness also makes you weak. 

Not too much- not too less

Week 18, Chapter 6, up to shloka 21 The Brahma I am describing here O Arjuna, is my original form. And that is the fruit of the tree of yoga. Asks Arjuna (after listening with great sincerity, the description of ‘Ashtang yoga’ told by Shri Krishna, and the description of Kundalini awakening), No matter how sincerely I try to follow the path told by you O Krishna, I still do not think I am eligible enough to walk on this path...and there may be many more like me. So, tell me, O Krishna, if this path assures success for everyone or there may be few who are really capable would only find their destination walking on this path? Answers Krishna— This path I have shown you is the easiest among all. And you will not know your merit without walking on this path. A little detachment and discipline regarding control of senses may make one eligible enough… and do not forget, to believe you are deserving would always make sure you reach your destination. Only those who are not disciplined…may n...

The sacred knowledge (Kundalini awakening)

  Week 18, Chapter 6, (shlokas 13 onwards) The yogasanas suggested by Shri Krishna not only helps in attaining a proper state of meditation but they also remove various toxins from the body—tells Gyaneshwara. When the suitable state of the body is attained, the sacred energy residing in every human’s body ‘Kundalini’ gets awakened. The text elaborately describes the sacred energy that is seated in the base of the spine in the form of coils- just like an offspring of a serpent seated in the shape of coils. The text also suggests various yogic techniques to awaken Kundalini and also, how the kundalini when awakens, first goes to Nabhi ( chakra ), then she travels throughout the organs of the body and in the state of meditation (of the yogi) settles in Sushumna nadi (the central channel). As she travels through various organs of the body, she collects all the negative energy in the form of heat ( garal-roopi jwala ), and when at Sushumna, she takes out all of it. The text here ...

The sacred knowledge (Yogasanas for meditation)

  Week 18, Chapter 6. (shloka 11 onwards) As told by Gyaneshwara- the chapter is the ‘essence’ of Geeta. The narrative that follows the description of fondness of Krishna for his friend Arjuna, tell about the sacred knowledge that was only shared by a few enlightened yogis to their disciples who they found worthy to receive the same. And this worthiness is what Gyaneshwara is trying to find in Arjuna when he gets into awe. Arjuna, without serving Krishna, without doing hardships to attain the fortune he is granted…The incarnation when was born (in tough condition), brought-up with great difficulties faced by the parents and guardians…all the efforts to fight the monsters and survival – the great fortune of all the labor came in the fate of Arjuna…just like this! Coming back to shlokas— humble Arjuna, tells Krishna that he doesn’t even know the meaning of the qualities explained by the incarnation nor can he visualize the same, but he certainly desires to attain such a state. ...

Krishna's love (Gyaneshwara's Narrative)

  Narrative of Gyaneshwara before shloka 11 Thinks Krishna-- If I reveal the cosmic knowledge ( brahm-vidya ) to Arjuna, the sweetness of my love for Arjuna will be lost. So, let me hide behind a thin veil of indirect description so as to enjoy sweet love while using the principle of duality.  Those caught in the desire of ‘I am that’ ( ahambrahmasmi ), and crave for it, their vision may cause blemish to His (Krishna’s) love (for Arjuna) and Krishna wants to protect it.  The knowledge of self (if given now), will destroy the ego of Arjuna…he becomes one with me…and then what will I do all by myself? Who will I see to please my eyes? And whom will I embrace fiercely? And to whom would I talk freely? And, if we become one, with whom would I share the dialogue that is overflowing from my heart and I cannot contain it anymore? So, Krishna distracts Arjuna by narrating a few qualities of enlightened beings just for a while to enjoy duality with Arjuna. It may sound impossi...

The identity crisis

Week 18, chapter 6, (shlokas 4- 10) Tells Krishna- the being when he gets enlightened with self-knowledge becomes indifferent to pleasures and sorrows…or with the outcome of any indulgences. Asks Arjuna— And who gives such a state to a yogi? On this, Krishna laughs and says, since the illusion of duality is broken, then who can give to whom? When the spell of illusion is broken and a being comes out of his ignorance, becomes aware of his ‘reality’, and overcomes the ongoing dream of life and death. Now he knows that he is eternal, and gradually becomes more and more aware of his eternal life. The pride related to the body—the more is given up by a yogi, the better he carves his own destiny towards his spiritual well-being ( kalyan ). Krishna here talks about the lost sense of identity—the identity crisis. That identifying with the physical body and ego related to it is like blindness that deprives one of enjoying the bliss of their own ‘reality’. The misconception about ‘self’, t...

Week 16, Chapter 5(Shlokas 1-14) Chants

I am excited to start on new chapter. The chapter start with question from our dear character . We covered in this video what it means to give your 100% . Why it is important to work without being feverish about results. Why actions are better than renunciation and finally when they both are considered same. Confused? So just see the video and provide your comments.  

A way to attain yoga

  Week 17, Chapter 6 (shlokas 1-3) In Gyaneshwara’s words—this chapter is the essence of Geeta. Let the limitation of the ears and intellect be gone and let the song be absorbed by the seekers spiritually. Again, Gyaneshwara gets in awe of what is going on, as he narrates the song to the seekers. In awe for sure as he can clearly see the bond between the embodiment of singularity and the one who is the ‘patr’. While Krishna retains the illusion of duality between himself and Arjuna for the dialogue to take place, He already knows what is going in the heart and mind of Arjuna. And Arjuna, knowing who Shri Krishna is, also smiles and ask Shri Krishna to answer his next question—and he asks that since Krishna already knows his (Arjuna’s) heart, He shall answer to what is going on in the mind and heart of Arjuna. And so, Krishna tells him about yoga (while Arjuna wants to know what the easier way is to do it). And so, tells Gyaneshwara-- as he can see how mesmerized Shri Krishna ...

What are words without the experience?

Week 17, Chapter 5 (shlokas 22-29 )   And those who have not been touched by the joy of their own spirit, may have no other option but to run after worldly pleasures which are nothing but a mirage, that lures a deer towards it, and before the poor thing discovers the illusion—it disappears leaving it (the deer) lost and miserable. This absence of pure joy of the spirit makes one fall for worldly pleasures. And just like the lightening from the sky cannot illuminate the world to perform its business, the short-lived nature of such pleasures cannot provide contentment to a being, rather they are like shadow of a serpent in which the mouse (the being) is sleeping not knowing its truth or like the worm that is being used to lure a fish. And what other options these worldly beings have other than running after worldly pleasures? And who will fulfill the realm of different worlds that are formed to create illusions, and pains, and sufferings? Who will walk on these paths? And who will ca...

Week 15, Chapter 4(Shlokas 29-42) Chants

Another week and today we will finish another chapter. One important things which I have learnt  from these verses is dont believe in God , but have that willingness to know the unknown. If you cant believe then dont doubt too. Doubt on self, doubt on others and doubt on universal law are three different types of doubts and doubts itself can lead to disease. We also learnt about the reciprocity of universal law and how feeling are reciprocal like love , anger and hatred. Hope you will all the like the brief interpretation of the verses in my videos. Please do let me know what do you think about these interpretations in the comments to help me improve. Take care and see you next week.

Week 14, Chapter 4( Shlokas 15-28) Chants

 So friends welcome to week 14, we talk about doing actions with awareness so that we are not touched by fear, anger & cravings. But people gets confused when to act and when not to act. We also learn in these verses  how to overcome feverishness. We do actions where we expect results and some where we dont expect any results. Expectations brings feverishness. We should be equipoise in gain and loss. Comparisons always brings jealousy. We learnt that doing all action as Yagya will help and we also learnt about the different types of yagya. Hope you all enjoy my recordings and dont forget to put your  feedbacks in comment. See you next week.