One more week and we have completed chapter 5 . One of my learning is if soemone is miserable he/she would not be in position to hear any logic and advice. The best advice for a miserable person is "Just Let Go". It is common in Spouses, Once you say I quit then only you give ear to other person else you are caught up in your thoughts. Miserable people thinks they know everything. They know what to do and what not to do? What is good and what is not good. Like fools they have no iota of doubt on what they have perceived.
The second learning is, great things just happened you really did not do it and same is with crime. There is some part which is involved in activity and some part which is not indulged.
Third learning is , dont be feverish and dont think only on outcome.Like Hatred for some one Cravings for happiness also makes you weak.
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