Week 22, chapter- 7, shloka 15-30
Krishna- then there are those who are possessed by pride and have abandoned
their purpose.
Surrounded by
delusion, there are four types of people who worship me. One- who is affected
and driven by sorrow, two- who is inquisitive/curious, three- the one who
treasures something, and fourth- who is knowledgeable (a man of vision).
Out of
these four, the man of vision is my true worshipper as he is the one who
worships me without a selfish motive. In the light of his enlightened knowledge,
he becomes one with me and still worships me (Ananya bhakti). The other
three worshippers are also dear to me, but the man of vision is dearest to my
heart, and in him resides my soul, and in me- his. He is the one who attains non-duality
and so is one with me.
The others
who worship me, their vision is blinded by indulgences and worldly pleasures
and happiness. The desire to attain the fruit of worship separates them from
attaining oneness with me. They perform my worship with Vedic precision- and
worship me in the form of many deities and many gods. They worship them as per
their own adoration and faith and to obtain their selfish desires and follow
various paths designed to attain the same. But what they don’t know is that it’s me who
grants them their wishes as I remain in the faith that they bestow on their arbitrary
gods. Such devotees don’t know me as they are bound by their hopes and so, they
ask for short-lived pleasures. Even then, the devotion and faith of a devotee
awaken the divinity in that arbitrary god. And when such devotees invest their all
in the worship, attain oneness with me when their body perishes. But this kind of devotee is also hard to find.
All the beings are born in delusion. And my glory is not seen by all; they see me and recognize me in my lower form visible through their eyes. Whereas I remain hidden in my veil of mystery. Everything that came in this world came from me and everything that will come will come from me…
In a way, nothing comes, and nothing goes anywhere- all that is there is me. The mortals don’t know my higher nature that is non-perishable and supreme.
And listen
O Arjuna, those who after many births have obtained the desire to attain
liberation from birth and death, are now ripened to attain oneness with me as
they are men of good deeds whose sins have left them. Such ripened beings
attain their self-knowledge and realize my supreme nature. They understand my
omnipresent form and see me everywhere—they are the ones who understand Atman,
Brahman and karmas. Adorned with the purity of soul, they attain harmony with their
spirit and when their time to go comes- all they see is me.
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