How do those who have mastered their senses recognize you when their time to go (death) comes?
I am adhiyagna, and those who are aware of this, remain indifferent to the body of five elements and attain oneness with me and they remain indifferent to the body even when it is destroyed. For them, the body is just an attire and not themselves. So, this Brahm that is omnipresent becomes one with the intellect.
As per the
principle, it is said that one is driven towards that- one remembers at the
time of death. Like the desire for certain things during the lifetime increases
the urge to attain the same at the time of death- and this urge is what one
carries with them when the body is destroyed, and this urge drives the soul
towards achieving that desire. And so, the soul follows that vector. So, I say
remember me at the time of death so that you come to me.
The practice
of attention when brought again and again towards me (Brahm), the attention
will develop a desire (vector) towards the same. When one adorns their attention with the
light of their atman it doesn’t remember anything else but the joy of the
spirit (atman) and thus becomes ‘atmaswaroop’. And then the sufferings of the
world related to birth and death don’t make any difference to the being.
And if one
doubts as to how they will remember me at the time of death? But I say, those
who devote their life remembering me and following my teachings, I take care of
them at the time of death. As I owe to them because of their devotion towards
me- I take care that they are free from the guilt of the body and remain in the
bliss of the spirit.
When true yogi devoted to me rest their soul on me at the time of death, they never return back to the world of human sorrow. But those who attaining salvation yet have pride- may not get rid of the cycle of birth and death.
also describes the yogic way to attain death (of the body) and union with the
divine at the time in the shloka 11-12-13.
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