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Showing posts from July, 2021

A fraction of my infinite self

Week 29, chapter 10, shloka 19- 40 There’s no end to my infinite greatness, and let me reveal to you the greatest— I am the soul in all beings I am the beginning, the middle and the end of all that lives. Among the sons of Aditi, I am Vishnu; and among the luminaries, I am the Sun. I am Marichi among the Maruts; and among the night lights, I am the Moon. I am Sama Veda amongst Vedas; and I am Indra- the king of deities. Among the senses, I am Manah (psyche); Amongst the living beings, I am the pure consciousness ( Chetna ). I am Shankara among the Rudras (the terrible destructive powers), and I am the divine treasurer-Kubera among the semi-divine beings (Yakshas). Among the Vasus (the radiant spirits), I am Agni; Among the mountains, I am the mountain of Gods. Among the priests, I am Brihaspati; Among the warriors, I am Skanda (Kartikeya- the God of war). Among the reservoirs of water, I am the ocean; Among the great seers (Saptarishis), I am Bhrigu; and among the...

Week 26, Bhagwat Gita Chapter 9(Shlokas 18-34) Chants

Friends , we have Completed the chapter 9 today  (Raj Vidya Rajya Guhya Yog) and here are my three learnings from the shlokas covered today. Three Critical Learnings 1. There are three bodies Physical(helps to get rid of impressions), Shuttle(impression) and Causal body. Krishna Says , One should make him the Supreme Goal , which is pure Consciousness. 2. Once you die these will the two questions in front of you How much Love you have given how much knowledge you have gain ? 3. He Says , I am not this , I am not the mind, body, matter etc.. and then he says I am the matter , body etc.. Though this loos contradictory but it is not as we talked about the Matter as Wave function. And as always please share your views in the comments . Have a happy week ahead.

Week 25, Bhagwat Gita Chapter 9(Shlokas 1-17) Chants

 Friends , we have Started the chapter 9 today  (Raj Vidya Rajya Guhya Yoga) and here are my three learnings from the shlokas covered today. Three Critical Learnings 1. Extremely Secret Knowledge is shared by Krishna which will relieve all the human beings from the materials miseries. The Secret will purify ones soul , mind and Consciousness. 2. The Knowledge is shared with Krishan because Krishna says You don't speak negative , you are responsible and you don't keep picking the negative and finding faults in other  and you don't have negative halo around yourself 3. The first part of Secret, all that has come in universe has come from me they do stay in ME. Like waves comes out of Ocean are still in Ocean. Matter doesn't Exist it is just Wave function. Yet they are not in me and I am different from them yet i am in them. And as always please share your views in the comments . Have a happy week ahead.

An auspicious opportunity

  Week 28, chapter 10, shlokas 12-18   Overwhelmed with all that is spoken by Shri Krishna- his divine revelation. Rejoicing with joy, Arjuna has nothing but gratitude to offer to Shri Krishna—listening from God himself about his own nature… सर्वमेतदृतं मन्ये यन्मां वदसि केशव | न हि ते भगवन्व्यक्तिं विदुर्देवा न दानवा: || 14 || sarvam etad ṛ ita ṁ manye yan m ā ṁ vadasi ke ś hava na hi te bhagavan vyakti ṁ vidur dev ā na d ā nav ā ḥ   स्वयमेवात्मनात्मानं वेत्थ त्वं पुरुषोत्तम | भूतभावन भूतेश देवदेव जगत्पते || 15 || swayam evātmanātmāna ṁ vettha tva ṁ puru ṣ hottama bh ū ta-bh ā vana bh ū te ś ha deva-deva jagat-pate          It is true that no human, deities or demons, or any other being can grasp the vastness of the supreme spirit, “only thy spirit knows thy spirit”—exclaims Arjuna. And so, realizing the auspiciousness of the opportunity he is granted, all he wants is to know more about the persona of Shri Krishna- t...

The bestower of grace

Week 28, Chapter 10, Shloka 8-11 I am the creator and preserver of this world. I am omnipresent, and those who see me in every being are my true worshippers. मच्चित्ता मद्गतप्राणा बोधयन्त: परस्परम् | कथयन्तश्च मां नित्यं तुष्यन्ति च रमन्ति च || 9|| mach-chittā mad-gata-prā ṇ ā bodhayanta ḥ parasparam kathayantaśh cha mā ṁ nitya ṁ tu ṣ hyanti cha ramanti cha तेषां सततयुक्तानां भजतां प्रीतिपूर्वकम् | ददामि बुद्धियोगं तं येन मामुपयान्ति ते || 10 || te ṣ h ā ṁ satata-yukt ā n ā ṁ bhajat ā ṁ pr ī ti-p ū rvakam dad ā mi buddhi-yoga ṁ ta ṁ yena m ā m upay ā nti तेषामेवानुकम्पार्थमहमज्ञानजं तम: | नाशयाम्यात्मभावस्थो ज्ञानदीपेन भास्वता || 11|| teṣhām evānukampārtham aham ajñāna-jaṁ tamaḥ nāśhayāmyātma-bhāva-stho jñāna-dīpena bhāsvatā When those who enjoy oneness with me interact- the knowledge in them flows like the water flows in two ponds when connected. Overwhelmed, they announce the sacred knowledge to the whole world when it is to be kept a secret. And cannot hide their...

My expressions and passions

Week 27, chapter 10, shloka 1-7 Now I tell you of my various expressions in different beings that form their nature; First is intellect (buddhi) and then the knowledge that is unlimited. Absence of attachment, tolerance, forgiveness, and truth. Then self-control (mind), control of senses, pleasure and sorrow, birth and death, all come from me. Fear or fearlessness, non-violence and equality, contentment and penance, charity, glory/grace and disgrace, all are born from me. And whether the beings know me or not depend much on the fruits of their karmas. And now I tell you about the eleven passions which sustain this creation and they create the bound in which the beings have to behave. The seven immortal seers of time- (the Saptarishis ) and the four (main) founders of the human race- Manus (total being seven) are born from my ( manas ). And these rishis and manus have created Ashtalokpaal to take care of the world. Who are like the kings of the three worlds and the whole world -...

Ananya Bhakti (when the attention is unified)

  Week 27, chapter 9, shloka 29-35   If you ask me how I am? I am uniform in all the elements and all the beings. I do not differentiate between mine and yours. And those who know me like this and are detached with their ego, dwell in this world in their bodies but attention on me and I dwell in them. And they are indifferent with their bodies as one is indifferent with the borrowed ornaments. They may belong to any caste, and can be the most sinful ones, but if they offer their pure devotion towards me after being bathed in the river of repentance, and with a pure heart worship me- come to me. Those who have been sinful in their previous lives but devote themselves to me in this life – I purify them and their whole clan of their sins and bless them with oneness with me. And you might ask if such devotees become like me after they die- but I say, they cannot die as they are soaked in elixir. Until the attention is in union with me only then one can attain oneness with me...

Week 24, Bhagwat Gita Chapter 8(Shlokas 15-28) Chants

  Friends , we have completed the chapter 8 today  (Akṣhar Brahma Yog) and here are my three learnings from the shlokas covered today. Three Critical Learnings 1. There are multiple abode(lok) and once you leave the "Bhulok" unless you are in Brahma log you will have to take a rebirth. There is one secret at one time you are there in five "lokas". Eack lokas are different length of day and night. 2. Only through devotion you can reach to the Supreme abode and will you come out of cycle of birth and death. 3. We also learnt in the chapter the "Art of Dying" and that leads to liberation. Those who knows this secret gain merits far beyond the merits of vedic rituals And as always please share your views in the comments . Have a happy week ahead.

Week 23 , Bhagwat Gita Chapter 8(Shlokas 1-14) Chants

  Friends , we have covered the chapter 8 first 14 shlokas  (Akṣhar Brahma Yog) and here are my three learnings from the shlokas covered today. Three Critical Learnings 1. The fundamental questions from Arjun on What is Brahman , What is adhyatma , What is Karma, What is adhibhuta, what is adhidaiva and Who is Adhiyajna is answered in the chapter. 2. Actions are thoughts which comes in mind and also the physical action done through various senses. One should constantly PRACTICE to engage the mind in that One Consciousness so when he leave the body he would remember of him alone and attain him 3. One way to Practice to fix mind on the Consciousness is restrain your 9 gates( 2 eyes ,  2 ears , 2 nostrils . mouth , Urinary opening and excreta openings) and draw the life breath to head and heart region and concentrate. And as always please share your views in the comments . Have a happy week ahead.

Ananya Bhakti

  Week 26, Chapter 9, Shloka 15-28 “ And others worship me, and work for me with the sacrifice of spiritual vision, they worship as one and as many. Because they see that all is in me.” “For I am the sacrifice and the offering, the sacred gift and the sacred plant. I am the holy words, the holy food, the holy fire, and the offering that is made in the fire.” “I am the Father of this Universe and even the source of the father. I am the Mother of this universe and the creator of all. I am the Highest to be known, the path of purification, the holy OM, the three Vedas.” “I am the Way, and the Master who watches in silence. Thy friend and thy shelter, and thy abode of peace. I am the beginning and the middle and the end of all things; their seed of eternity, their treasure supreme.” “The heat of the sun comes from me, and I send and withhold the rain. I am life immortal and death; I am what is and I am what is not.”   (Again, I give up summarising /interpreting the wor...

No one's friend, no one's foe

  Look for me beyond what is visible O Arjuna! Many people in their ignorance and superficial vision see me as worldly- but I am not worldly. Because of their tendency to get enchanted by Maya, they assume my birth and death, but I am beyond the ideas of birth and death. They assume my form, my name, my actions, and my various attributes whence I remain formless, actionless, and beyond any attributes. They make my idols and adorn me with many ornaments. They assume me as a friend and as a foe to some, also think of me as belonging to one region (or country) whereas I remain omnipresent and indifferent to all these ideas . They worship me in the idol thinking I remain in that and discard it when it is broken- thinking I am no more in that. Like that they think of me as a worldly being. All these dead ideas of the dead world are like those clouds that appear in the sky before the season of rain and disappear like that only. Such people are consumed all by their ignorance and are lo...

The cosmic embrace (Aishwarya yoga)

  Week 25, chapter 9, shlokas(1-14) I am that formless singularity and the world that you see is the expanse of my manifested form. All the manifested forms dead or alive including this body are because of my expanse, but I am not in them. As they are like the images seen in the dream that I dream. When the illusion is broken, the reality remains, and I am that one constant reality. If you see that- even though waves are contained in an ocean, but the ocean is not the creator of the waves- that is done by the wind. The same way the cotton flower does not contain the fabric, but the fabric is processed from the cotton fiber through the imagination of the artisan. And in the same way, Maya imagines various forms to manifest all that is unmanifested- that is me. And when the veil of illusion is lifted, all that is manifested through Maya is broken and thus remains that which in truth- is me. And so, you can say in a way that I and the forms are one even when I have not made them. So...