Week 27, chapter 10, shloka 1-7
Now I tell you of my various expressions in different beings that form their nature;
First is
intellect (buddhi) and then the knowledge that is unlimited. Absence of attachment,
tolerance, forgiveness, and truth. Then self-control (mind), control of senses,
pleasure and sorrow, birth and death, all come from me. Fear or
fearlessness, non-violence and equality, contentment and penance, charity,
glory/grace and disgrace, all are born from me. And whether the beings know
me or not depend much on the fruits of their karmas.
And now I
tell you about the eleven passions which sustain this creation and they create
the bound in which the beings have to behave.
The seven
immortal seers of time- (the Saptarishis) and the four (main) founders
of the human race- Manus (total being seven) are born from my (manas).
And these rishis and manus have created Ashtalokpaal to take care of the
world. Who are like the kings of the three worlds and the whole world -their
kingdom. It's like from the seed a sprout
comes out and then the stem, roots, branches, leaves, fruits, etc eventually
comes out but the source (the seed) remains the same. The same way all these
have come out from me while I am the source of them all.
I being the
only seed, from me, came my ‘mana’, from my mana comes seven Rishis and four
Manus and from them came Ashtalokpaals (Indras etc.) and they
eventually created other beings. And those who know me like this- with my
expressions and my passions (etc.) are in oneness with me and are always full
of gratitude. So, this devotion of oneness- the Ananya bhakti allows the devotee
to see me in every being.
by the joy of oneness, sometimes they announce their devotion to the whole
world (forgetting the conduct of the world)- can announce the most auspicious
and secret recipe to attain this joy to the whole world (when it should be told
in secrecy only to the deserving ones). Enchanted and intoxicated in the joy of
the spirit, they go beyond the body and soul and remain indifferent to the of
day and night and like this, they enjoy the complete oneness with me.
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